Filming and Submitting your Recruitment Videos

Most recruitment based teams will require a video submission to begin their official recruitment process. You can find details about due dates, required skills and FAQs on the team’s website. Pay attention because each team will have different submission requirements and deadlines! Add the dates to your calendar and check back often for changes or updates!

Give yourself plenty of time to learn the material AND record it to the best of your ability. This process of recording required skills WILL take a lot longer than expected, so be sure to allocate plenty of extra time as a buffer. Because coaches know these skills can be filmed over and over again, they will expect that what you submit is your very best version of those skills. Start by giving yourself two different time slots to film on two different days and go from there. If you still haven’t gotten the perfect version, go back for a third try! The videos you submit are one of the most important pieces to the recruitment puzzle so put forth the effort required to submit your very best product!

Some dancers make their videos public on YouTube. If you don’t know where to start or what your finished video should look like, try searching the name of the team + recruitment video to see if anything pops up for inspiration. Here’s an example of what a recruitment video could look like:

You also have plenty of teachers, mentors and teammates who want you to succeed so use your resources and ask them for their opinions on how to improve your material before you submit!