Step-By-Step Guide and sample timeline


  1. Look up results for college national competitions

  2. Watch YouTube videos of dances from each school that impressed you with results

  3. Make a list of prospective teams based on results, skill level, style, and competitive category (i.e. jazz, hip hop, pom, etc)

  4. Research those specific schools for information on recruitment, auditions, requirements, clinics, combines, etc.

  5. Start working on your college essay/personal statement and preparing to take the SAT and/or ACT

Sophomore/Junior Year:

  1. Email coaches with GOOD videos and brief communication

  2. Attend clinics and combines to make genuine connections with the dancers and coaches on those teams

  3. Remember it’s a two way street - YOU are deciding if the team is a good fit for you as much as they’re deciding if you’re a good fit for them.

  4. Continue editing your essay/personal statement

  5. Take the SAT and/or ACT

  6. Post GOOD videos of your dancing on social media (side note: make sure entire social media presence is a good representation of you and how you want coaches to perceive you)

  7. Possibly attend fall invite-only recruit weekends as a Junior

End of Junior Year/Beginning of Senior Year:

  1. Submit recruitment videos

  2. Retake the SAT and/or ACT to improve your score and/or superscore your results

  3. Apply to colleges (Early Admission)

Senior Year:

  1. Attend fall invite-only recruit weekends

  2. Receive offers from teams (timeline varies)

  3. Gain admission to schools (timeline varies)

  4. Make your decision!!!